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Thank you we made the grand total of $2585.00 at our stall this year!

ex RWL girl Alice, adopted many, many moons ago from us, had a birthday yesterday and turned the big 15.
Happy Birthday darling. x
Finn is loving his hydro sessions and is doing SO well.  He is building up quite a bit of muscle which will help him enormously.

Go Finn.
Yesterday we had a huge number of coats donated by a lovely couple for our stall.  We sold many of the smaller ones, but were left with the larger ones.

Seeing the cold weather is coming we have made contact with Save A Dog Save-A-Dog Scheme and they will be taking the remainder of the large coats.

Thank you Fee for organizing this. We like to pay it forward. x
How good are YAP WEAR - donating skivvies to RWL tomorrow to raise money!

Folks, measure your babies from collar to tail to get the right size tonight and buy tomorrow.

You had better get in quick.....

Jenny, thank you so much for your incredible support.  We will do our best tomorrow - thank you thank you. x
It's Friday - and that means $5 Friday. 
If you would like to donate to us - you can do so via two ways.

1. Go to and click on the donate button.

2. Do a direct Debit via your bank.
Account details are

BSB 033059
Acc: 422436
Name : Rescued With Love Inc.

As always thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Have a lovely Friday folks. x
Here we are.
Our Twitcho is 18!!!! Can you believe it. 🔝🥹
Dog beer, biscuits, treats and balloons! 🎂

Many years ago - our boy Archie (known as Smarch) used to constantly remind us of what a little weirdo he was.  Particularly when he thought we weren't looking.

At Christmas one year my sister, in her white pants (it's ALWAYS the white pants) felt a little wetness on the side of her calf.  Looking down Smarch had cocked his leg on her and was sharing a bit of his own festive spirit.  Unrepentant, and just a little bit pleased with himself - he watched as we rinsed off the nice little yellow dribble from those crisp white pants.

Later when we had finished eating lunch we started to sit around the tree, and open our presents.  My sister opened up one of her three presents only to find a nice yellow stain not on one, but all three.  Smarch was outside nowhere to be seen - and no one else's presents were affected - just hers.  Clearly he had been passing on the love while we had been at the table.

Gus is a bit of a giver.  He likes a certain chair.  Similar to Archie he sidles up to his particular target (see Liberace two stepping towards his piano with a touch of John Wayne's side gait) and leaves a bit of pee-mail for others to find later on.

The belly band has become a must - and I had to crop this pic due to his rather Cleo Centrefold pose on the couch.  This is a family page - and we didn't want any complaints......:)

William used to pee on his own feet.  It  would swing like a pendulum as he did girl wees most of the time - and we had to wash those back toe tees a lot - no one wants pee on their feet.  But he was the perfect gentleman and never peed on a present, or a person.  Unlike some....

We have others whose personal habits of raiding the kitty litter, or eating someone else's garden delights have been experienced, but that folks is a story for another time.

Gus will be going in to have his patella surgery soon.  We will update you on how he goes.
Bubbles had a groom yesterday and is looking for a nice muddy, sticky wet puddle.  As you do.

So tell me.  Do yours do the same?

Let's see some pics......
Today is happy Gotcha Day for Tinkie and her family.  The best little baby who adores her mama - and would use her gums to protect her at all costs.

We love you Tinkie, you sweet soul.
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